Here it is, Everything we have to offer, so far. This is great material taken from private collections world wide. You can't get this information anywhere. These Rare 'Underground' Videos are not available for sale in the public arena. These are private produced videos by various UFO researchers and are made available from his private collection.
The video quality is not excellent on some of these videos. Most are very good, a few are below average, but the information is unbelievable!!! Most of these videos are filmed in the basement of some researchers house, or in the garage of some anti-gravity scientists warehouse, or just in the backyard of an abductees house. Most of the footage on these videos are 'impromptu', but are amazing. We do not span astronomical budgets like national TV and Radio to suppress this information, but dive in deep into the meat with our hand held video camcorder on our shoulder into places where we probably should not go. Don't expect blockbuster movie quality like "Close Encounters" or "ET" with Spielburg type production, just expect the truth, as we are truth seekers. There is more truth to our videos than Parmount or Warner Brothers. If you have gone this far into this site, then you WILL ENJOY these videos. All video come with an unconditional warranty and money back guarantee - so what do you have to loose!
This information cannot be found anywhere. THESE VIDEOS WILL CHANGE YOUR OUTLOOK ON OUR EXISTENCE!!! Please purchase these at your own risk. We will continue to sell these videos until this information gets too bazzar for the general public. We will be adding to our collections often, so come back soon.
Oh yes, if you think that our videos are overpriced, then you need to go out and find out what the cost of research is, becouse without funds, we can't bring you this neat stuff. All income goes towards 'the cause'. If you have some ORIGINAL great footage or some privataly produced videos, we will swap 2 of our videos for 1 of your videos. Fair deal? Just don't send us the commercial crap, we have seen enought of that. Just write us at Email If it is good, we may even strike up a deal with you and resell them for you on this very site! If you are broke, but still want to see the videos, them make us an offer!
Now, Go On, take the RED PILL...